Overburden, Pore Pressure, and Fracture Gradient - Develop a clear understanding of concepts of porosity, overburden, formation, and fracture pressures. Also includes fracture gradient models, mitigating lost returns along with a preliminary discussion on casing seat selection and design factors.
Casing Design Overview Session 1 - An overview of functions of a casing string, primary casing loads, well schematic, casing setting depths, casing properties, sizes, and connections
Casing Design Overview Session 2 - The module consists of casing design equations, criteria, safety factors, and design procedure
Casing Design Overview Session 3 - The module consists of pressure testing, casing buckling, and mitigations along with casing design examples
Internal Components of Positive Displacement Motor (PDM) - Learn different components of a Motor and their functions.
Introduction to gyroMWD - Scientific Drilling’s webinar to learn how a GyroMWD Tool works and its applications.
Surge and Swab: Understanding the difference, causes and measurements of surge and swab pressures while drilling a well.